Make Your Head Relaxed Through Head Massage

A person sitting on a bed


A person lying on a bed

The head is a temple. We’ve all heard that saying before, but do we ever think about what it means? For many people, the idea of taking care of their bodies seems like a daunting task. But it doesn’t have to be. Taking care of your head can be a lot of fun! One way to take care of your head is by giving yourself a massage.

How to do a head massage?

A person lying on a bed

1. Use your fingers to massage the scalp in a circular motion.

2. Gently pinch and squeeze the scalp.

3. Use your thumbs to massage the temples and forehead.

4. Use your fingers to massage the neck and shoulders.

5. Pinch and pull the earlobes.

6. Grasp your hands over the head to massage from front to back.

7. Use both hands to cup your hand around the entire head as if you were wearing a helmet, and gently move up and down in a circular motion. This technique can also be applied by small children on their mother’s head when she is stressed or tired after a long day of work at home or outside.

8. Pull gently at different angles along the sides of the face, starting toward the ears and ending with a quick pinch at the corners of the mouth.

9. Massage each shoulder by pressing them toward one another with your thumbs while firmly holding onto an earlobe with the opposite hand.

10. Wrap your hands around both sides and under and over the head with a quick snap or jerk motion a few times, as if you were cracking someone’s neck. This is one of the most powerful techniques for self-healing.

11. Press your fingers into the scalp along an imaginary vertical line from behind one ear to the front of the opposite eye (temple). Continue down to that jawline and then across to where it meets the opposite jawline (angle of jaws). Repeat on another side.

12. Bring your elbows together in front of you and press them upward toward your face; this can be done with forearms horizontal or vertical and hands at either side of the forehead, all depending on comfort and what feels best

13. Use your fingers to make tiny circles with pressure on the scalp; use either one or both hands (one hand is usually enough) and follow all around the head, changing directions often and making big loops over the crown of the head and smaller loops closer to the face

14. Place your hands behind your neck and elbows out in front of you; clasp arms together firmly at wrists; place fingertips of each hand on opposite temples (that’s where they will be when you start); begin circular motions with index fingers only, working them approximately two inches deep into the skin; move closer to ear while saying “rrr” sound softly while continuing circular motion very slowly, two complete circles per second. This technique stimulates brain energy.

15. Knuckles are used to gently pull the hair in a downward motion all overhead, close to the scalp.

16. Grasp hair with fingers and rub it between your palms very fast; or put your fingers together at angles (elbows out) and twist them quickly around the crown of the head, changing direction after each twist. These can also be done with elbows bent 90 degrees, forearms vertical, wrists crossed, fingers straight upholding the top of your head firmly between your hands as you twist both wrists alternately but simultaneously. This technique stimulates brain energy.

17. Use just the tips of your index fingernails to softly go back and forth several times on different areas scalp for added relaxation

18. Use open palms and cover head with your hands and without using any fingers at all, just the weight of your palms and the heat that they generate, bring them down firmly on either side of the neck (not too hard)

19. Snap Fingers very fast down along the front of the head from the forehead to chin (across the entire skull). Done quickly, this can generate a lot of “cracking” sound; it stimulates brain energy.

20. Place the index and middle fingertips together and press down firmly along the centerline of the throat. This is an appetite suppressant; it also stimulates digestion.

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